


Griselda Blanco a.k.a. “The Godmother” was gunned down by assassins on motorcycles

Griselda Blanco a.k.a. “The Godmother” was gunned down earlier today (September 3) in Medellin, Columbia.

The former drug kingpin was one of the biggest importers of cocaine into the United States in the 1970s and 1980s.

Griselda Blanco was attributed to thousands of murders during the drug wars in Miami in the 1980′s, which were the subject of the critically acclaimed documentary “Cocaine Cowboys.”

According to local reports, assassins on motorcycles unleashed a hail of bullets as Blanco left a butcher shop in the city.

Blanco, 69, was deported to Columbia after spending almost 20 years in prison in the United States, according to the Miami Herald.

Griselda Blanco served the prison time for three murders and drug trafficking.

During her time in prison, three of her four sons were murdered.

The fourth, Michael Corleone Jr. started a Hip-Hop label in Miami.

“My mother always took care of the boys and from there me and my brothers were the head honchos of the family and we told everyone else what it was,” Michael Corleone told AllHipHop.com in 2008.

“It was a good upbringing. Christmas came around and I got my first Porsche at six years old.”

Several Hip-Hop artists co-opted The Godmother’s name and fearsome image, including rappers Lil’ Kim and Jacki-O, who beefed over the moniker.

“We started Hip-Hop in Colombia in the mid 80’s and early 90’s,” Corleone said. “We are the fathers of Hip-Hop [in Columbia].”

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