


James Holmes Made Racial Remarks About Rap

There is no country for James Eagan Holmes.

More details are emergeing about the 24 year-old, former PhD student who allegedly dressed like the Joker during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises and opened fire in a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado; shooting and killing 12 while injuring dozens of others.

Reuters reports that Holmes lived a generally nondescript life, even having to work at McDonalds for a bit after being unable to land a gig after graduating from the University of California-Riverside. He also appears to have hated rap music, particularly Lil Wayne, and Black people.When not in school, Holmes would sometimes hang out on the stoop of his building, located in a part of Aurora where drugs and gunshots were not uncommon, according to one neighbor.  

Police arrived at the apartment on Friday to find it booby-trapped with sophisticated explosives, creating a hazard for law-enforcement and bomb squad officers who swarmed to the building.  

Near the scene, another neighbor, Rachel Reed, 25, recalled seeing Holmes a number of times on the stoop, with his backpack. A couple of months ago she ran into him at the Zephyr, where she had put a Lil Wayne rap song on the jukebox.  

Holmes disapproved, she said, preferring rock 'n' roll music. He came over and "made some racially charged comments about rap," she said.
"He seemed like he was a normal dude," she said. "He was a little buzzed."

Yeah, totally normal. This psychopath needs to be buried ALL the way under the jail.

Our condolences go out to the families of all of the victims in this tragedy.

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