


White Supremacist Shocked By DNA Heritage On TV Show

A white supremacist who has made it his life-long mission to segregate portions of North Dakota found out that he was 14 percent African on a British talk show.

Craig Cobb agreed to take a DNA test in the name of science, confident that his ideology was the be-all, end-all.
The announcement was made on Trisha Goddard's The Trisha Show were the rude awakening was revealed.

"86% European," Goddard said, as her guest and the audience slowly arrived at the realization of what was to come. "14% sub-Saharan African."

At that, Goddard, her other guest, and the audience members let loose their satisfaction with the test results while Cobb tried to save face (race?) by calling his genetic makeup "statistical noise."

Cobb was last in the news in October when it was reported that he was stymied in his efforts to purchase land in Leith, North Dakota, with the stated purpose of taking over the town and constructing a racialist haven called "Cobbsville."

The 62-year-old Cobb continued his denial after the results were announced, crying "This is statistical noise...oil and water don't mix," as the hysterical crowd ate up every second.

Goodard was unfazed as well and played to the crowd's enthusiasm, offering a fist bump, playfully stating "hey...bro."
In an ironic foreshadowing, comedian Dave Chappelle spoofed a similar event for his 2003 Chappelle's Show where a blind white supremacist found out the hard way he too, was Black.
It's incredible how art mimics life and vice versa. Hit the otherside to check out the hilarious clip of Cobb unwillingly losing his Neo-Nazi membership.

Reports Gawker:

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