


Rapper Dies In Drunk Driving Accident After Tweeting

YOLO, the acronym, which stands for "You Only Live Once," is at the center of a recent tragedy involving the death of a young aspiring rapper.

California native Ervin McKinness was killed while drunk driving at excessive speeds minutes after the 21-year-old emcee Tweeted Drake's famed "motto".

According to McKinness' Tweet, he and four other men were driving 120 miles per hour while intoxicated.

Police reports indicate that minutes after publishing the Tweet, the car careened into a wall, killing all five parties inside.

Police state they are unable to definitively rule whether the accident was a case of drunk driving, as another man and not McKinness had been driving at the time. Still, investigators are taking the infamous Tweet into serious consideration.

"Police are certainly looking at that because it will be a vital part of the investigation, but it's too early to give an opinion as to whether it drunken driving was a cause or contributed to the crash," explained an officer.

McKinness was an aspiring rapper at the time of his death. He went by the stage name Inkyy and had reportedly signed a deal with a label.

Lesson? Don't drink and drive, and don't tweet either. Such a tradgedy.

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