


MC Lyte Among Guests For Thurgood Marshall College Fund Gala

Hip Hop legend MC Lyte and rapper/dancer/actress Lil Mama will be attendance at the 25th Thurgood Marshall College Fund Awards Gala next month.

The Washington, DC event honors the achievements of individuals that have provided a positive impact on students of public Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

This year’s honorees include Janice Bryant Howroyd, Chairman/CEO of The ACT 1 Group (CEO of the Year Award), Larry Waters, Retired MillerCoors Executive (Community Leader of the Year Award), Johnson & Johnson (Corporate Leadership Award), and Dr. Wayne D. Watson, Chicago State University President (Educational Leadership Award).

Lyte and Lil Mama will be joined at the TMCF Gala by fellow special guests Congressman John Lewis, Washington Redskins player Alfred Morris, and reigning Miss America Nina Davuluri.

The event will be hosted by comedic icon Bill Cosby and will feature a performance from Broadway star Jennifer Holliday.

The proceeds from the event help fund TMCF and its efforts to improve graduation rates among students at member schools and provide assistance in post-graduation employment.

“This year’s 25th Gala is perhaps our most important ever because of the unprecedented challenges facing students attending HBCUs.

The college access battle is no longer a legal one; it is a purely financial one. For this reason, TMCF is gathering the nation’s most influential people on November 11th in our nation’s capitol to celebrate HBCUs and raise money for their students,” said Johnny C.

Taylor, Jr., TMCF’s President and CEO in a statement.

The Thurgood Marshall College Fund Awards Gala will take place Monday, November 11th at the Washington Hilton. For more information and to purchase tickets/tables visit www.tmcfdcgala.com

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Lion Dream Records

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