


BLD Hits the #1 ReverbNation Chart For Belgium All Genre

BLD just hits number one on the ReverbNation chart for Belgium.
Its been a while now that the hip hop artist was struggling to represent his music through the web.
Looks like his music is taking a new step to go worldwide because being feature on the home page nationaly, it means the artist will get a lots of intention  from visitors or music entertainement.
This is something new to the music industry since the artist is able to do the most important part to put they own music on top.

This is what BLD had to say on his latest tweets

Here are some of BLD music at ReverbNation

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Lion Dream Records

is an independent label created by an artist to better produce and promote other artists. With the lack of publishers to help talented local artists to broadcast their music, it was important that some one take the first step and lead the way to a new generartion of self made artists.

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