Dilated Peoples live at Dour Festival 2012
Dilated Peoplesplaying Saturday 14 july 2012 @ Dour Festival 2012
As hip-hop culture (DJing, MCing, b-boying, graffiti art and beatboxing) evolved in the late 1970s and early 1980s, two things were hallmarks of the movement: DJing and lyrical excellence.
In the last several years, no rap group has done more to champion those elements than Dilated Peoples.
The Los Angeles based trio of Rakaa, Evidence and DJ Babu inject their music with humor, insight and social commentary, and DJ Babu's cuts add an additional layer of excitement and complexity to the group's material.
The trio's first three albums - 2000's The Platform, 2001's Expansion Team and 2004's Neighborhood Watch - are hailed as exemplary examples of quality hip-hop.
So after enjoying the biggest radio and television exposure of its career with the 2004 hit "This Way," produced by and featuring Kanye West, Dilated Peoples wanted to make a point that they had a clear vision for their music, hence the 20/20 title for their new album.
"We've done a lot of experimentation, worked with a lot of different people and tried a lot of different things," Rakaa explains. "With this record, we wanted to really get back to a real, uncut pure vision and get back to the pure, boom-bap sound that really made us all get together as people and want to make music together."
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