


Chuck D On 2016 Oscars, Issues Challenge To Hip-Hop

According to Lord Acton, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Several prominent celebrities have taken issue with the lack of ethnic diversity that was nominated at this year’s Oscar awards. Hosted by the astute, Chirs Rock, the comedian’s opening monologue included the powerful lyricism of Public Enemy’s classic track, “Fight The Power.”

Chuck D’s cathartic pen wrote most of the classic track’s lyrics. While using his official Twitter, the social advocate appealed to the masses to champion the arts as much as athletics. Emphatic in in eloquence, the PE front man challenged people to reinforce their words with resounding action.

“The song FightThe Power is beyond me & the crew. The point of the song is a call to making change eventually not just applauding the thought,” he wrote. The legendary lyricist continued to provoke thought.

“Oscars are like a TRADE show,” he tweeted. “If you ain’t in that business why should you care? It’s like winter baseball meetings, how many care about that.”

Read some of Chuck D 's tweets at AllHipHop

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