


Nas playing at couleur café this FRIDAY • UNIVERS • 19:30 - 20:45

playing @ couleur café this FRIDAY • UNIVERS • 19:30 - 20:45

To present a living legend like Nas properly, you have to start at the beginning. Nasir Jones grew up in Brooklyn, New York. His father, Olu Dara, a jazz musician who played with Art Blakey amongst others, got him hooked on music at a young age.

When he heard his next door neighbour scratching vinyl records, he fell in love with the first big hip hop stars like Rakim, Eric B. and Marley Marl.

This laid the foundations for the career of one of the most talented rappers of all time. Ever since his first album Illmatic in 1994, which many consider to be the greatest 40 minutes in rap history, Nas has been recognized for his raw and poetic texts that skillfully describe the world around him.

These rhymes are accompanied by powerful and catchy beats. Illmatic and the next 7 albums have all gone platinum. But more important than album sales and his quarrels with Jay-Z is the fact that Nas has never lost his convictions.

At 39, he’s still a hip hop artist through-and-through.

Just ask any of the lucky people who saw his triumphant performance at Tour & Taxis two years ago with another legendary figure, Damian Marley.

This time Nas wil come accompanied by a full live band.

Another great concert to look forward to.

See the Line Up here CouleurCafé

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