


The statue of Gandhi finally removed from the University of Ghana

The protests for the withdrawal of the controversial statue of Gandhi date from September 2016.

The statue of Gandhi finally removed from the University of Ghana
A statue of the prominent Indian spiritual leader and leader of the country's independence movement, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, was removed from the most prestigious university in Ghana after several voices denounced the negrophobia of the one the world knew as Mahatma Gandhi.

Two years ago, Pranab Mukherjee, President of India between 2012 and 2017 offered a statue representing the icon of world peace at the University of Ghana in Accra, in honor of the "friendly" relations between the two country [2]. Soon, the faculty and students called for his withdrawal, citing passages from Gandhi claiming that Indians were "infinitely superior" to black Africans. Judge instead:

"Our struggle is a continual struggle against the segregation inflicted on us by the Europeans by trying to belittle the Indians at the level of the simple Kaffir (derogatory name given to blacks) whose occupation is to hunt and whose only ambition is to gather cattle. to buy a woman and spend the rest of her life in laziness and nudity. »[]

"Why of all the places in Johannesburg, the Indian quarter was chosen to dump (" dumping down ") all Negroes (Kaffir) of the city? It's beyond my comprehension. »[]
"Even the children have learned to believe this idea, with the result that the Indian is reduced to the level of a simple negro. »[]

Two years ago, Pranab Mukherjee, President of India between 2012 and 2017 offered a statue representing the icon of world peace at the University of Ghana in Accra, in honor of the "friendly" relations between the two country [2].

Soon, the faculty and students called for his withdrawal, citing passages from Gandhi claiming that Indians were "infinitely superior" to black Africans. Judge instead:

"Our struggle is a continual struggle against the segregation inflicted on us by the Europeans by trying to belittle the Indians at the level of the simple Kaffir (derogatory name given to blacks) whose occupation is to hunt and whose only ambition is to gather cattle. to buy a woman and spend the rest of her life in laziness and nudity. »[]

"Why of all the places in Johannesburg, the Indian quarter was chosen to dump (" dumping down ") all Negroes (Kaffir) of the city? It's beyond my comprehension. »[]

"Even the children have learned to believe this idea, with the result that the Indian is reduced to the level of a simple negro. »[]

read more at nofi.media

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