


Lionel Richie Expressed His displeasure With Kanye West's Usage Of N-Word

Kanye West has been deemed a polarizing figure in both his music and his controversial personality.

His shows often draw criticism usually stemming from 'Ye's song interludes that contain his distain for certain people and the media. It isn't often that the Chicago-based producer and rapper is criticized for his usage of swear words.

In a recent Mirror article, Lionel Richie expressed his displeasure with West's recent performance of "All Day" at the Brit Awards. According to Richie, the N-word shouldn't be used by anyone.

“Am I fan of the N-word? Not coming from the 1960s and 70s. Whereas the new world has embraced it," Richie said when addressing Kanye's usage of the N-word. "I don’t think it’s OK for a black man to use the N-word. I don’t like it – and I am a black man.

I don’t think it should be said and become normal.”

The famed '60s musician also claims Kanye West is providing his generation "shock value" and that his voice is speaking louder than his actual music.

“Kanye is giving us the generation shock value. How he carries on for the next 10 years we will see," he said. “The music business is more attention driven, but you have to let it pass. Don’t even focus on it. Because what we have going on in the world is so over the top. I mean, who are we fighting?

“There is more hunger and famine in the world today than there was when we did 'We Are The World.'”

According to 3am sources told the publication that West had rehearsed a censored version of the "All Day" a day prior, but opted out of it an hour before the show to delete the changes.

Kanye West's performance during the Brit Awards

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