


[ Rumor ] Two Chicago Woman Rape A Man At GunPoint.

Sep - 08 | a 33 year old Chicago man was RAPED at gunpoint by two Chicago women.
Here is what happened. The victim was walking down the street when when 25 year old Cierra Ross pulled up next to him and offered him a lift home.

But then things went LEFT. A short time later, Cierra allegedly pulled a gun on him. She then ordered him to climb into the backseat and take off his clothes. Police claim that Cierra then forced the 33 year old at gunpoint to have sex with her friend.

What exactly was he asked to do? In addition to intercourse, the man was allegedly instructed to fondle the woman’s breats and buttocks. The two female suspects also allegedly robbed their victim, getting away with 200 dollar in cash, credit cards and an iPhone.

The unnamed man reportedly begged the women to stop, but was eventually able to escape withhis life. By busting out of the car and, running down the street naked from the waist down.

The 33-year-old victim managed to flag down a taxi nearby and asked for the driver’s help. The taxi driver also managed to snap a photo of Cierra’s license plate. Police eventually tracked her down and arrested her.

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