


Young Noble "Outlawz" New Album “Son of God”

It was 16 years ago today (September 7) that iconic rapper Tupac Shakur was assassinated in Las Vegas, Nevada, following Mike Tyson’s fight with Bruce Seldon at the MGM Grand.

Over a decade and a half later, Young Noble, the seventh and final member added to the Outlawz by Tupac himself, has announced that he will be dropping a project on November 13.

In commemoration of the passing and in honor of Tupac, Young Noble will release his new video for the song, “Son of God”, on September 13, the day that Tupac died.

“It’s just really a feeling I had, and I felt like people needed to hear it,

but what I think I’m saying on it is relevant to the Outlawz to myself and to Hip-Hop in general, and so I put it out there and the feedback has been phenomenal.

Although Tupac passed away on the 13, fans of the late West Coast legend will remember that he was actually shot on September 7.

Including the 13th day of the month, the rapper survived for seven days after the shooting incident, a period of time that ironically corresponds with his prophecy of the Makavelian 7 Day Theory.

“It’s a weird date for us; 16 years ago that was a crazy time in our life. Every year, we don’t forget it, the fans don’t forget it, and every year we try to make it a positive date, so I’m gonna drop the ‘Son of God’ video on that date.

Tupac borrowed from Machiavelli, a 16th century Italian philosopher who proposed staging one’s death to evade enemies and gain power. His book, Discourses Upon the First Ten Books of Titus Livy, said, “a prince who wishes to achieve great things must learn to deceive.”

Conspiracy theorists have been known to speculate on how and why Tupac decided to use the Makavelian 7 Day theory, and ultimately leading many of them to believe that Tupac is still alive.

Some claim that he faked his death to get away from his enemies or the Illuminati.

When asked how he came to the title of “Son of God” and what it means to him, Young Noble says he reverted to his roots and his teachings from Tupac.

“I think that God definitely has been coming through my pen to try to put some positive inspiration out to the people. It’s coming out like that, and I just wanted to put my heart and soul into the music and taking it back to the roots and really studying our history and everything that ‘Pac was trying to teach us,” Young Noble recalled.

“‘Pac was an ambassador of truth, and he represented hope, from getting shot, to shooting at police, and you know all his trials and tribulations, man. And for him getting locked up for stuff that he didn’t even do, and just coming out as a warrior. He wasn’t holding his head down, kept his head up high, and represented what he represented. He was an ambassador for truth, not just for the West or the East, but for the earth,” he added.

In addition to the album, Young Noble and DJ Outlaw will be releasing a mixtape that precedes the “Son of God” project called Outlaw Nation, set for release on October 15.

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