


Winehouse family reveal inquest 'relief'

Amy Winehouse's family are 'relieved' to finally have answers about her death.

The star passed away at her London home in July, aged 27. An inquest today recorded a verdict of misadventure, following an inconclusive post-mortem earlier this year.

The St Pancras Coroner's Court in London heard Amy was more than five times the UK legal drink drive limit when she died.

't is some relief to finally find out what happened to Amy. We understand there was alcohol in her system when she passed away, it is likely a build-up of alcohol in her system over a number of days,' her family said in a statement.

'The court heard that Amy was battling hard to conquer her problems with alcohol and it is a source of great pain to us that she could not win in time. She had started drinking again that week after a period of abstinence.

't underlines how important our work with the Amy Winehouse Foundation is to us, to help as many young people and children as we can in her name.

't means a lot to us and from the overwhelming messages of support we have had since Amy died, we know she meant a great deal to people all over the world. We want to thank everyone for that and for their continuing enthusiasm for the Foundation."

Amy's death was a result of alcohol poisoning due to the amount she'd consumed. Police found three vodka bottles in the bedroom where she died, two large and one small.

The court heard Amy's organs were healthy and there was no trace of illegal substances in her system.

She had 416mg. of alcohol per 100ml. of blood in her system, enough to make her stop breathing and eventually fall into a coma.

'She had consumed sufficient alcohol at 416mg per decilitre [of blood] and the unintended consequence of such potentially fatal levels was her sudden and unexpected death,' coroner Suzanne Greenway said.

The singer battled drug addiction in the past. Her family are setting up a charity in her honour while they hope will help other young people in her position.

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