


Dr. Conrad Murray's behaviour 'inexcusable'

Dr. Conrad Murray committed 17 flagrant violations of standard of care for Michael Jackson, a court heart yesterday.

Anaesthesiologist Dr. Steven Shafer told the court, as the prosecution's final witness, that the King of Pop could have been saved but for the 'unconscionable' way his physician treated him.

The singer died in June 2009 from acute Propofol intoxication and Dr. Murray is facing involuntary manslaughter charges which he has denied.

But Dr. Shafer, who wrote the packaging insert for the powerful anaesthetic that is blamed for Jackson's death, told the jury that Murray was more of an employee to the Thriller star than a doctor who was concerned for his patient's health.

'f Dr. Murray had acted like a doctor, the first time Michael had said, 'I need Propofol to sleep,' Dr Murray would have said, 'You have a sleep disorder and you need to be evaluated by a sleep doctor. I am not giving you anything,'' Dr Shafer testified.
He added that there were many things that Murray did wrong on the fateful day and even leading up to the singer's death
He said Murray should never had administered the drugs in the singer's bedroom without having monitoring equipment present and should not have attempted to treat insomnia with Propofol.

Dr. Shafer also noted that Murray was wrong to administer CPR on the singer by pushing down with one hand on Jackson's chest while he was still on his bed and should have placed him on a hard surface.

He also had strong words for the physician calling Jackson's personal assistant rather than 911 immediately.

'That is so egregious that I actually find it difficult to comprehend,' he stated. 'You have a patient who has been arrested and you call and leave a voice message for someone. That is so completely and utterly inexcusable. Dr. Murray was quite clueless as to what to do.'

Dr. Shafer is expected to continue his testimony today, and tomorrow the defence will present its witnesses, including its own anaesthesia expert.

Murray's team are expected to conclude their case next week. If convicted the physician faces up to four years in prison and his medical licence will be revoked.

The trial is expected to last up to the end of October.

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