


[Interview] SmoothBlackdaFantom From Greensboro, NC Talks About His Music

Rap artist,  SmoothBlackdaFantom from the city of Greensboro, NC met with us to talk about his music.

Finally get to talk with SmoothBlackdaFantom a very talented artist in the music industry.

We really appreciate this moment you gave us to talk to you and let the world know exactly who is SmoothBlackdaFantom and what your music is all about. 

Since Hip Hop music became a reference to a lot of people, we are really sure that they want to know more about you.

Tell us about you:

Well, I am from Greensboro and I'v been a musician all my life on the keys, but I was always drawn to hip-hop so it naturally led to me becoming a producer. I also love art and poetry and almost anything that is expressive.  Being of African descent, my expressions are very soulful and deliberate.

When did you start making music:
I started annoying my little sisters making all types of beats on my keyboard since middle school. They were remakes of beats on the radio or whatever was in my head, not even necessarily rap beats... it literally was anything..lol.. It really annoyed my sisteres! 

Who is your role model in the music world:
That is a tough one, only because I beleive the more appropriate question is, " Who are not your role models." I see in everyone before me something great, but I really identify with Tupac, and I know that answer is so typical but I love that he really stood for something.

 Is there anything you would do differently in your career: 
Yes, Believe it or not, I had the opportunity to work with Drake right before he blew up, we were going back and forth on Myspace at the time. He was feeling my music and I was feeling his. He told me to contact his manager, but I didn't understand the business and politics of the music game at all back then. So, he eventually cut me off.. lol... saw him on TV maybe a year or two later! So I guess do not look for friends, look for business relationships is a good way to be.

Who would you want to do a tour/concert with: 
Had to think about this, because it's so many artists out there. I'd like to go with Wiz Khalifa, he looks like he has fun or Kanye West, that dude always puts on a show!

 Do you ever get lost in the music:
Do I?!!! Man, some of the things I go through the music is the only thing keeping me sane...

 Is there any site we can find you and listen to your latest song:
Yes, I'm all over the internet on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play

Thank you very much for your time
Thank you!

click here to listen to

Follow @daFantom336

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Lion Dream Records

is an independent label created by an artist to better produce and promote other artists. With the lack of publishers to help talented local artists to broadcast their music, it was important that some one take the first step and lead the way to a new generartion of self made artists.

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