


HipHop Artist Vaig From Pittsburgh Get Down To Talk About His Music Project ( Interview)

 Finally get to talk with Pittsburgh Artist Vaig a very talented up and coming artist in the music industry.

We really appreciate this moment you gave us to talk to you and let the world know exactly who is Vaig and what your music is all about.

Since Hip Hop music became a reference to a lot of people, we are really sure that they want to know more about you.

Tell us about you?
I’m an artist from Pittsburgh who paints pictures with words. Kind of an artistic way of saying I make music, I guess.  My music has been featured on Espn, Radio, Blogs, and etc.  My hobbies include collecting watches and flying remote control helicopters.  I also have a great body of work out right now entitled True to My Word which is available on all digital outlets

 When did you start making music?
Music has always been in my family.  I was told my Great, Great, Great Grandfather would come home from working and to relax he would write poetry and make songs.  I guess those genes found their way to me because now I do the same thing.  But I starting making music officially about 10 years ago, that’s when I dreamed of this being a career for me

Who is your role model in the music world?
That’s a tough one. I wouldn’t say there is one particular person.  Id say there are a number of people.  You look at legends like the Outspoken Chuck D, You see how Pac was honest and poured his heart in his lyrics, You see the Lyricism of Rakim and Nas, The Grind and Hustle of People like Russell Simmons, Master P and Sean Combs, and the List goes on.  So to answer your question I can’t just put that to one person, I look at the accomplishments of everyone because you can learn from all of them.

Have you ever been so moved by a song that you cried? If so what was it?
It wasn’t a song but a poem. It was on that “Rose that Grew from Concrete” album by Pac. The name of the poem/song was “In the event of my Demise” and its talking about hoping to die for a purpose.  I relate to that because I hope when this lifes up, my life had a purpose.  I get emotional thinking of me not being here one day.   Matter fact when I go I don’t want nobody eating or nothing! I want people ballin their eyes out! I want there to be sad music playing and all that,..lol

Is there anything you would do differently in your career?
No, not really because everything I been through Ive been able to learn and grow from it so Im good

Who would you like to be as famous as?
I honestly don’t know.  Fame comes with the game but I just want to touch lives and make music. Then again the roar of a crowd of people rockin with you would be crazy! I guess Id like to be as famous as my music takes me.

What is your secret to be different from other musicians?
Be yourself because there can only be one YOU.  Nobody can be you, better that,…You.  It took me some time but I finally figured that out and it feels great because the person I compete with is ME.

Who would you want to do a tour/concert with?
 To be honest, my peoples who Im coming up with now.  We like Family, so I would say my fam J Steez, Arson Amazing, Nesia Beatz, Shawn SMP, Charon Don, Mello Mac, Nova, and have my fam Dj Blakk Steel on the 1 & 2’s.  I think that show would be crazy!

Do you ever get lost in the music?
Absolutely! You have to.  Sometimes when I hear a beat I’ll just put it on repeat and zone out for hours just coming up with concepts.  I love riding around at night just listening to music, it helps me creatively to come up with the right words.

Do you plan to make music for as long as you can
I plan on making music for as long as there is air in these lungs. Its in my blood, and me denying music is denying myself.

What message do you send to your fans?
I hope the message I send to my fans and supporters is that life is all about getting back up after you fall.  When I say “Marchin to The Top!” That’s the War Cry for everybody who has been counted out and looked down on.  Don’t ever feel your worthless! Keep Pushin and goin hard.

Is there any site we can find you and listen to your latest song?
You can hear my latest song on my site TheOfficialvaig.com, its called “My Angel” and its for Free!

This interview allowed you to reveal yourself and talk more about you? If yes are you satisfy?
Yes Im more than satisfied and Im thankful to you for allowing me to have a platform, that means a lot.

Any last thing to mention?
My latest album “True to My Word” is available on all major digital outlets, Itunes, Rhapsody, Spotify, and recently added to Beats Music. So go grab it and let me know what you think.

Thank you very much for your time
Thank You!
Artist on Promo: Lion Dream Records Blog

Find Vaig On : Twitter @Officialvaig , Facebook.com/Theofficialvaig , Instagram.com/Officialvaig , Soundcloud.com/Vaig , Youtube.com/VaigVizion , http://www.musicclout.com/TheOfficialVaig

Official Website- TheOfficialvaig.com

Listen and download "True To My Word "

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Lion Dream Records

is an independent label created by an artist to better produce and promote other artists. With the lack of publishers to help talented local artists to broadcast their music, it was important that some one take the first step and lead the way to a new generartion of self made artists.

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