


Lauryn Hill Announces First Post Prison Show Date

It was previously announced that Lauryn Hill planned to embark on a tour prior to serving her three months on house arrest.

Today, the Grammy winning singer announced that her first show since being released from a jail sentence for tax evasion will occur November 27 in New York City.

That's right folks. On Thanksgiving Eve, fans will have an opportunity to see Ms. Hill grace the Bowery Ballroom stage.

This follows a favorable ruling from U.S. Magistrate Court Judge Madeline Cox Arleo, who permitted the singer-songwriter to tour from November 15 through December 31.

Hill will begin serving her home confinement on New Year's Day.
As for the aforementioned concert, you'll have to act fast. Tickets went on sale at noon yesterday (November 18), and are likely to be gone soon. Will you be attending?

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