


Scarface Says "There Is A Conspiracy Against The Blacks In Hip Hop"

There is "a conspiracy against the Blacks in Hip Hop" and record label executives have "brainwashed a generation" of fans.

Scarface recently vented about his frustrations with record label executives and Hip Hop.

In an interview with Hardknock TV, Face shared his displeasure by speaking on how he feels race and racism affect the music that is released by record companies.

"I feel like we losing it," Face said in the clip. "I feel like the people that are in control of what Hip Hop does is so fucking White and so fucking Jewish and so they don't give a fuck about what the culture and the craft really is about."

Scarface paused at this point and said he wanted to clarify.

"Let me say this shit right because I want this to be as offensive as I can fuckin' make it for these old-ass punks that's running these record labels that's in the powerful positions to dictate what the Black community hears and listens to. I fucking hate that shit. That shit pisses me off," he added.

"There's no fucking way that you can tell me that it's not a conspiracy against the Blacks in Hip Hop. You put out fucking records that make us look stupid. You make us look dumb.

You brainwash a generation of Hip Hoppers with this fucking crud and then when these other rappers come out, splitting it down the middle, these other rappers' shit sound like 'Wow!' Y'all look great!' 'Y'all look stupid!' ... Then mothafuckers start going over here and pretty soon, Hip Hop is White now." 

Scarface has been rapping as a solo artist and group member with Geto Boys since the early 1990s. Scarface has also been in charge of Def Jam South in the past.

Less than a year ago, Scarface spoke with HipHopDX's current Editor-in-Chief Justin Hunte regarding his take on the new generation of emcees and Hip Hop. Speaking of this, he said, "I think that anything goes in Hip Hop these days. I blame everybody who came before right now, including myself, for the conditions of what it is.

I think the people that came before me taught me and if I couldn’t reach nobody else, then I didn’t do my job. I should’ve been a little better about the way that I laid my blueprint down. So I have nobody to blame but myself for the conditions of Hip Hop today."

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