


Will T.I Gets The Presidential Pardon For His Legal Issues!

Even though it looks like he's all but buried his prior legal issues, T.I.'s career has still been affected by his back-to-back prison sentences.
Now, in a recent interview with Peter Bailey's "NiteCap," Tip reflects on that time and how Will Smith offered to help him.

T.I. recalled that famed actor and emcee Will Smith offered to reach out to President Barack Obama to give T.I. a pardon following his probation violation case.
Although Tip ended up serving his time, he said that he was moved by Smith's offer of service.

"I didn't reach out to [Will Smith for a Presidential pardon]; we were just in conversation just speaking," he recalled. "We got the same birthday, and everyday on our birthday we speak on the phone just to say, 'What's up, how're you doing, what's going on?' That year on our birthday, I was just going through that [probation] situation, so when he had me [on the phone], I was like, 'Dude, it's tight right now.'

His first thing was, 'How can I help?' and I said, 'Bruh, it's got to come from the top.' He was like, 'Oh yeah? I can reach up there [to the President].' I was like, 'Man, I don't even know.

Don't put yourself out the way - it's a long shot'…at that point, he connected with my attorneys and took a shot."

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