


Freeway Talks About Music And Religion

Today, Freeway unleashed his highly anticipated Diamond in the Ruff, featuring collaborations with longtime collaborators Bink! and Just Blaze. Now, in a recent interview with Fader, the Philadelphia emcee discusses balancing his personal life and music.

Freeway explained how he balances his Muslim faith and making music, which many Islamic scholars a religiously unlawful practice.

He recalled that his faith almost made him abandon music following his split with Roc-A-Fella, but ultimately, he made the decision to continue rapping despite many scholars' rulings.

"I never really, really stopped [making music]," he said. "I'm Muslim and it's a difference of opinion if music is haraam or not, and haraam is something that's not lawful [in sharia], and the majority of the scholars agree that music is haraam.

Me being a Muslim and trying to be a good Muslim, I was between should I do it or not and should I keep going with the music. It's definitely something I have a passion for, I'm good at and it's how I've been feeding my family for years.

It's something that I struggled with, but I decided to continue working with the music.

So after the Roc-A-Fella split, I really just had to gather my thoughts, get everything together and see what I was going to do next, and I just went back to what I know."

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