

Blog Feature: New hit single "Al Pacino" from DaVinci produced by Sonny Digital


It has been few months since we last heard anything new from DaVinci.

Now he's back with a new hit single "Al Pacino" very impressive single compare to the one he did before.

DaVinci really made a difference with this track and fans will probably jump on their mobile phone to enjoy this.

Released a few days ago, the artist is hoping to reach out to his audience so that they can feel his world.

When you work hard, it  is just normal that you end up with a good result.

It will be great if the world could support other independent artists out there.

Listen to the new track below

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Lion Dream Records

is an independent label created by an artist to better produce and promote other artists. With the lack of publishers to help talented local artists to broadcast their music, it was important that some one take the first step and lead the way to a new generartion of self made artists.

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